http://ffffound.com - great website, full of inspiration!
http://yinnyang.co.uk/ -  everything to do with art, fashion, music and design, full of interesting articles!
http://whodesignedit.net/ - design, fashion and photography, the three things I absolutely love.
http://www.facebook.com/sexanddesign?ref=stream - interesting photos/findings
http://www.dandad.org/ - a great organisation which inspires and allows young artists/designers to compete and win amazing awards
http://www.behance.net/ - full of inspirational artists/designers

http://illustrationfriday.com/ - an inspirational website, where you can see others illustrations and also submit your own. they give you a different topic every week, which then you can illustrate and share it.
http://fashion-illustrations.tumblr.com/ - a big collection of different fashion illustrations
http://todaysinspiration.blogspot.co.uk/ - blog which includes old illustrations (40s - 60s)


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